Lavender is one of the most widely used and versatile essential oils. It is used in many household and personal care products like soaps, candles, personal care items, and so much more. Relatively inexpensive, it can be a great addition to your household to help with a wide variety of day to day issues you may experience.
Easily recognizable to many, Lavender grows as a short shrub with long flowering shoot and can have a lifespan of up to 30 years.
While typically thought of as having light purple flowers, it can also be found having flowers in darker shades of purple, as well as blue, pink, and white.
Originally called Nardus by the ancient Greeks, after the Syrian City Naarda, it’s scientific name Lavandula, was adopted from the Latin ‘larvare’ meaning “to wash”.
Lavender is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and India and has been utilized by people dating back to the both the Greek and Roman Empires.
Lavender essential oils are normally extracted through a distillation process, where the fresh flowers are heated and cooled to produce the concentrated oils.
Highly fragrant, Lavender has been known to help improve mood, decrease anxiety, and promote sleep.
However, here are a few additional benefits of which you may not know.
Topically, lavender also presents a wide variety of skin benefits, including helping diminish acne, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots, treat dry/ itchy skin, chapped lips, cold sores, eczema, and help heal wounds.
Lavender also has anti-fungal properties that can help treat fungal skin and nail infections.
It can help keep your hair healthy, promote hair growth, and treat dandruff.
In 2012, a study was conducted and presented evidence that lavender could help reduce menstrual cramps, and it has also been known to reduce emotional symptoms for women experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Lavender contains a compound called linalool, and can be used as an insect repellent for mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ants and spiders.
Lavender is known to be an anti-inflammatory, and can be used topically to ease pain and improve blood circulation.
Diffusing lavender oil can help relax your body and may aid with digestion, ease headaches, relieve respiratory symptoms and nausea, and can provide nervous system support.

To get the best use out of your lavender essential oils, try placing 5-6 drops in a diffuser or humidifier.
If using topically, you’ll want to mix your essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, grapeseed, or rosehip oil.
To make sure you dilute to the proper ratio, follow the guidelines suggested by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) recommendations.
MOXĒ nasal inhalers and diffusers are a convenient and portable means of aromatherapy.
Both MOXĒ Dream & Breathe diffuser and nasal inhalers feature a carefully crafted oil blend contains lavender essential oil.
MOXĒ Dream incorporates lavender, lemongrass and grapefruit essential oils.
MOXĒ Breathe incorporates Lavender as well as peppermint, eucalyptus, cajeput, tea tree, rosemary essential oils and pink Himalayan sea salt.

These nasal inhalers can be used throughout the day, and are safe for all users.
They are non-toxic, do not contain any harsh chemicals or substances, but instead consist of organic essential oil blends carefully selected with your everyday needs in mind.
With a wide variety of uses and benefits from skincare to bug spray, lavender can be a versatile addition for any household.
You can incorporate the use of lavender essential oil into your daily routine.
Lavender can be diluted and can be applied topically when mixed with another oil or lotion.
Alternatively, you may benefit from Lavender by try it as part of aromatherapy through a room diffuser or personal diffuser, Dream MOXĒ.