Essential Oils for Cleaning Sports Equipment

by Joshua Matzkin

Cleaning with Essential Oils

In this article we will introduce you to some of the cleaning benefits that essential oils can provide, why they will be a safer alternative to the products you are used to, and examples of oils that you can incorporate into your own DIY cleaning sprays!

Practicing yoga or other types of fitness automatically exposes you to a den of bacteria and viruses. For protection, most workout enthusiasts turn to deodorizing sprays to sanitize their equipment, keeping disease-causing germs and offensive odors at bay.

While commercial sanitizers have been the norm among athletes and hobbyists over the years, essential oils for cleaning sports equipment seem to be an equally effective, and safer alternative to the current standard.

Of course, your everyday commercial disinfectants are widely effective; but most are made with harmful ingredients that can potentially be a health risk. Besides this, any essential oils you use will have a pleasant aroma leaving you feeling like your items are squeaky clean and ready to use again!

woman doing pushups

Why you should clean your sports equipment

Although invisible, germs are always lurking around the gym environment – on the equipment and other surfaces. Disturbingly, these germs can stay alive and active for several days. 

Using your workout gear without disinfecting them may promote the spread of these viruses and bacteria across the different users.

Typical among such bacteria include:

  •   Staphylococcus aureus (also called staph) – Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous of all of the many common staphylococcal bacteria. These bacteria often cause skin infections but can cause pneumonia, heart valve infections, and bone infections.
  •   Streptococcus Veridans and Streptococcus Faecalis - commonly called strep, is a bacterial strain that is usually found on different parts of your body. It may cause concerns like pink eye, sore throats, bacterial pneumonia, and related health concerns.
  •   Yeast: Although a fungus, yeast is commonly seen on sports equipment. It’s a chief cause of that offensive odor you perceive from your sports equipment and reproduces very quickly.

Preventing bacteria on sports equipment

While there are practically no 100% anti-germs measures, some preventive tips can reduce your exposure to bacteria on your sports gears:

  •   Wash your sports equipment after every use.
  •   Always leave instruments to air-dry after usage.
  •   If possible, prefer personal sports gear to shared items – this reduces your exposure to bacteria.
  •   Ensure you bathe thoroughly after every practice.

Using essential oils to clean sports equipment 

About between 10% and 30% of all gym surfaces are home to skin-disease-causing bacteria according to a study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Since these microbes stay active for an extended period on such surfaces, person-to-person infection is common.

While the chances of person-to-person transfer of germs are honestly lower in a home gym, regular sanitizing still keeps you extra safe.

Remember – on the off chance that you’re the sole user, overtime, dirt and dust naturally build up, creating a safe haven for germs breeding. 

Besides, sometimes you use your gym just after ignorantly touching germ-covered surfaces. This way, you may transfer some bacteria from your infested hands to the sports equipment – which you may re-contact on your next gym session.

essential oil bottle

Recommended essential oils for cleaning sports equipment

Below are some essential oils with well researched properties that make them viable candidates for your cleaning needs.

Thyme Oil Essential Oil

Thyme essential oil is a great option for cleaning sports equipment. 

The main components in thyme oil are p‐cymene (36.5%), thymol (33.0%) and 1,8‐cineole (11.3%). 

Being EPA-registered, thymol is believed an effective weapon against several germs – from Staphylococcus aureus, to influenza A, and TB.

Even the EPA groups thymol oil in the class of least toxic cleaning agents.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

The antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of the popular tea tree oil make this essential oil a great natural alternative disinfectant.

Tree tea is a common ingredient in eco-friendly antifungal products, hand sanitizers, deodorants, and acne washes.

If you’re not sure where to source the best quality 100% natural essential oils, check out MOXĒ for a complete range of all natural essential oils and blends

If making your own non-toxic essential oil cleaning spray seems time consuming or daunting, check out the MOXE Yoga Mat Cleaning Spray


Final Notes

Without proper cleaning, your fitness gear may be a potential breeding ground for germs.

Whether on your personal equipment or in your public gym, there’s almost always bacteria and viruses hitch-hiking unwelcome on surfaces.

These microbes can cause havoc to your body and introduce infections and illness.  

While commercial disinfectants are effective at cleaning and disinfecting, they often contain harmful chemicals. The good news is, you can avoid harmful toxic products, and still keep your space germ-free and smelling fresh.

Ensure your cleaner makes it to all of the used equipment, and don't be afraid to get the floors! 

Of course, after you leave the gym, or your garage, always use some quality hand sanitizer and wash your hands to make sure you truly are leaving behind anything that doesn't serve you!

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