A Guide to Combining Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy

by Jason McDermott

Relaxation is key to maintaining overall health and well-being. Two popular methods to achieve relaxation are aromatherapy and sound therapy. These therapies use our senses of smell and hearing to help us relax and reduce stress. When combined, they offer even greater benefits, creating a soothing and tranquil experience.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote relaxation and wellness. The scents of oils like lavender and chamomile are known to calm the mind and body. Inhaling these aromas or applying them to the skin can help you feel more at ease.

Sound therapy involves listening to specific sounds, such as nature sounds or calming music, to reduce stress and anxiety. This therapy helps to balance your mind and body, making you feel more centered. Together with aromatherapy, it creates an even stronger sense of peace.

Understanding Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to improve well-being. Essential oils are extracted from plants and contain their natural scents and properties. Popular essential oils include lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint. These oils can be used in various ways, such as inhalation, diffusers, or applying them to the skin. The scent molecules travel to the brain's limbic system, which controls emotions, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Sound therapy uses certain sounds or music to promote healing and relaxation. These sounds can come from nature, like rain or ocean waves, or musical instruments designed to create soothing tones. Common tools used in sound therapy include singing bowls, tuning forks, and even simple soft music. When we listen to calming sounds, it helps to slow down our brainwaves and encourages a state of relaxation.

Both therapies work on different senses but have the same goal: to help us feel more relaxed and less stressed. By understanding how each one works individually, we can better appreciate how they can work together. Aromatherapy targets the sense of smell to influence our emotions, while sound therapy uses auditory input to affect our brainwaves and nervous system. Combining these two powerful methods can create a deeply calming experience.

Benefits of Combining Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy

Combining aromatherapy and sound therapy offers several benefits that enhance overall well-being. Here are some key advantages:

1. Enhanced Relaxation:

Using both therapies together can amplify their relaxing effects. While the essential oils calm your mind through the sense of smell, soothing sounds work on your auditory system to reduce stress and anxiety. This dual approach makes it easier to relax deeply.

2. Better Sleep:

Combining these therapies can improve sleep quality. Aromatherapy with oils like lavender calms the nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep. Pair this with calming sounds like soft music or nature sounds, and you create an ideal environment for restful sleep.

3. Reduced Stress and Anxiety:

Aromatherapy and sound therapy both help lower stress and anxiety levels. Essential oils can lower cortisol levels, the hormone linked to stress while calming sounds help reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Together, they provide a more comprehensive approach to stress relief.

4. Mental Clarity:

When practiced together, these therapies can improve focus and clarity. The relaxation they provide helps to clear the mind, making it easier to concentrate. Essential oils like peppermint can boost mental alertness while calming sounds help to keep the mind centered.

5. Emotional Balance:

Both therapies can help stabilize emotions. Essential oils often have mood-enhancing properties, and sound therapy can influence brainwave patterns. Using them together can help achieve a balanced emotional state.

By combining aromatherapy and sound therapy, we can enjoy these enhanced benefits. This holistic approach taps into multiple senses, promoting a greater sense of peace and well-being. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve sleep, or simply relax, these therapies offer a powerful solution.

How to Practice Combined Therapies at Home

Combining aromatherapy and sound therapy is easy to do at home. You don't need expensive equipment to start reaping the benefits. Here are some simple steps:

1. Choose Your Essential Oils:

Select essential oils known for their calming properties. Oils like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are popular choices. You can use a diffuser to disperse these oils throughout your room or apply them to your skin with a carrier oil.

2. Set Up Your Sound Environment:

Decide what kind of sounds work best for you. You can use a sound machine, a specialized playlist, or nature sounds from an app. The key is to choose sounds that you find calming and soothing. Make sure the volume is set at a comfortable level to avoid any disturbance.

3. Create a Relaxing Space:

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. This should be a space where you won't be interrupted. Dimming the lights or using candles can add to the relaxation.

4. Combine the Therapies:

Start by turning on your sound therapy playlist or device. Then, add your chosen essential oils to a diffuser or apply them to your skin. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to fully engage with the scents and sounds around you.

5. Practice Regularly:

Consistency is key to seeing the full benefits. Set aside a specific time each day to practice combining these therapies. Even just 15 minutes a day can make a big difference.

By following these steps, you can easily incorporate combined therapies into your daily routine. This practice will help you achieve a greater sense of calm and relaxation.

Enhancing Your Sessions with MOXĒ Peace Essential Oil

Using high-quality essential oils can significantly enhance your combined therapy sessions. MOXĒ Peace Essential Oil is a great choice for this purpose. It contains a blend of calming oils like lavender, Roman chamomile, and ylang-ylang. Here’s how you can use it effectively:


  • Calming Effects: Lavender is famous for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Its soothing scent helps you calm down and prepare for meditation.
  • Improves Sleep: Lavender is also known to improve sleep quality, making it perfect for bedtime sessions.

Roman Chamomile:

  • Reduces Anxiety: Roman chamomile has anti-anxiety properties. When inhaled, it can help you feel more at ease, making it easier to focus on the sounds around you.
  • Promotes Emotional Balance: This oil helps in stabilizing mood swings, adding an extra layer of emotional balance to your therapy session.


  • Boosts Mood: Ylang-ylang is known to uplift mood and alleviate feelings of distress. It works well with sound therapy to create a positive mental state.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: This oil can help in lowering blood pressure, enhancing the overall calming effect of your session.

To use MOXĒ Peace Essential Oil, simply add a few drops to your diffuser before you start your sound therapy. Alternatively, you can mix it with a carrier oil and apply it to your wrists or behind your ears. The blend of these powerful oils will help you get the most out of your combined therapy session.


Combining aromatherapy and sound therapy can be a powerful way to improve your well-being. Understanding how each therapy works individually and together can help you create a more effective relaxation routine. Incorporating essential oils like MOXĒ Peace Essential Oil can further enhance your sessions, providing additional calming benefits.

By setting up a relaxing environment and practicing consistently, you can make these therapies a regular part of your life. Not only will you reduce stress and anxiety, but you'll also create a harmonious space for better mental and physical health. Whether you're looking to improve sleep, reduce stress, or simply relax, these combined therapies offer a comprehensive solution.

Ready to enhance your relaxation routine? Explore the benefits of combining aromatherapy and sound therapy with MOXĒ Peace Essential Oil. Check out MOXĒ today to find the perfect aromatherapy relaxation blend for your needs.

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